Virginia (Boyd) Connally

Physician, 1933

1912年12月4日,艾达·弗吉尼亚·霍金斯出生在德克萨斯州的坦普尔. Virginia Connally has spent a lifetime turning obstacles into opportunities; opportunities into successes; and in turn, sharing her blessings with those around her.

Upon graduation from Temple High School in 1929, amidst the turmoil of the Great Depression, 维吉尼亚进入坦普尔初级学院学习了一年. 在伯父和伯母的影响下,这位已故的博士. and Mrs. W.R. Snow of Abilene, 1930年,她转学到西蒙斯大学,并于1933年毕业,获得文学学士学位. During these years, she was active in student affairs, 是女牛仔队的一员,并且在她大四的时候担任过女牛仔队的主席. 她还曾担任学生会秘书.

当时,女性从事医学职业几乎是闻所未闻的, Virginia courageously, 她决心用上帝赐予她的天赋为人们服务, set out to pursue a career in medicine. 尽管来自各个方面的劝阻——来自教授, deans, 甚至还有一位家庭成员——她于1933年进入路易斯安那州立大学医学院,并于1937年以医学硕士毕业.D. degree. 她被授予眼科领域的实习医师和住院医师, ear, nose, 1937年到1940年在新奥尔良慈善医院接受治疗. Upon completing this residency, 她作为阿比林的第一位女医生回到阿比林,并开始了她作为眼科医生的医疗实践, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Here, through her ability, professional skill and training, her understanding heart, and a healing touch, 她很快在西德克萨斯州被公认为该领域的主要医生之一.

Dr. Connally served as chief of staff at both St. Ann’s Hospital and Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene, and upon the death of her husband Ed Connally in 1975, she became president of Connally Oil Company. 她也是亨德里克儿童之家多年的医生, touching the live of countless numbers of children.

1982年,她结束了42年的行医生涯,但没有退休. In 1984, 她曾担任HSU的Fairleigh Dickenson科学研究中心的医学总监和高级副总裁,直到1989年关闭.

With her husband Ed, 他是石油商,也是前民主党执行委员会主席, she traveled widely, 利用出国旅行拜访传教士并研究他们的工作. 尽管国际石油和政治旅行的魅力和浮华, 维吉尼亚说,这些旅行的亮点是与传教士的访问, 了解他们以及他们令人兴奋和富有挑战性的工作. She traveled to such places as Russia, China, and Israel, and spent time as a medical missionary in Venezuela.

In 1973 she received HSU’s Distinguished Alumna Award, in 1981 received the Keeter Alumni Service Award, 1989年获荣誉人文博士学位. Also in 1989, 她谦恭地拒绝了阿比林年度慈善家的提名, 说还有其他更有资格的人没有被承认. Although not recognized formally, 她永远是大学生心中的年度慈善家, not only because she gives of her financial resources, 而是因为她也给予她的爱和理解, compassion and friendship. These are worth much more than dollars.

She has been loyal in support of HSU over the years, 于1981年设立康纳利捐赠使命教授,并于1988年将该计划提升为主席. 维吉尼亚州为康纳利任务中心的建立提供了主要的捐赠, which was dedicated in 2000. 她还通过积极招收学生来促进中文博彩平台的发展.

她已故的丈夫在1975年去世前一直是大的受托人. She became an HSU trustee in 1977, serving until 1987, 然后在1988年成为发展委员会的成员. She is also a charter member of the Presidents Club.

She has been active in Abilene Woman’s Club, Hospice of Abilene, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Hendrick Foundation Board, the YWCA, Junior League of Abilene, Abilene Preservation League, Abilene Philharmonic, and Big Country Audubon. 她还曾担任宾夕法尼亚医学院国家委员会的成员, 最初成立于1850年的宾夕法尼亚女子医学院, 作为全国第一所培养女医生的学校. 自1933年以来,她一直是阿比林第一浸信会的活跃成员, and is one of its first female deacons.

她被描述为一个说话温柔的女人,吸引着人们, 使他们的兴趣成为她自己的,并激发他人的信心. 她以对知识不可抑制的渴望和对阅读的热爱而闻名. 每个认识她的人都收到过她寄来的杂志、期刊和报纸文章. 她不仅读书,还确保其他人也有读书的机会.

Forever young at heart, at her 90th birthday celebration in 2002, Virginia quipped, “I thought when I got to be 90, I would be old. Now I guess I will have to wait until I’m 100.” Dr. Connally has one daughter, Genna Davis. 她已故丈夫的孩子是埃德温娜·罗伯茨和奥布里·康纳利.

她不断地展现出一颗真正的仆人之心. She has given not only to this institution, 还有阿比林的其他有价值的事业和传教活动. Her focus is always outward; never on herself. 当她在1989年被告知她被选为哈佛大学的荣誉博士时, she replied, “我希望你没有弄错……我不知道我怎么有资格获得这项伟大的荣誉。. 中国赌博平台对我很慷慨,很鼓励我,很滋养我. It is I who should be giving this school, its president, and former presidents, the dedicated professors, and staff a very special honor.“弗吉妮娅,你今天来到这里真的让我们感到荣幸.

经上记着说,多给谁,对谁的期望也就多. When Dr. Virginia Connally meets her Lord in Heaven, she will, undoubtedly, hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”