
你是否梦想成为组织、商业或政治活动的代言人? Earning a strategic 沟通 degree from Hardin-Simmons University will provide you with the training, 经验, 以及在这个节奏最快、最令人兴奋的职业领域取得成功的人脉.

如果你像很多学生一样考虑我们的项目, 你可能会问, “有了沟通学位你能做什么??“嗯, 作为传播学专业的学生, you’ll open the door to a wealth of careers in industries and organizations as diverse as government, 电影和录像, 旅游, 体育, 中文博彩平台, 教堂, 还有更多.

通过理论和实践学习的平衡, 你将掌握面对面交流的基本原理, 通过多媒体和社交媒体平台. 你会发展和加强基本技能,比如公开演讲, 写作, 还有人际关系——这些技能可以帮助你在任何行业中脱颖而出.


作为一名传媒专业的学生, you’ll build an impressive digital portfolio to document your many accomplishments and skills. 你会准备视频, 网页, 一份简历, and a digital archive of your work and 经验 to craft and sell your personal brand to employers and graduate programs. You’ll be more than ready for the job market thanks to mock job interviews with both professors and outside professionals.



Dr. 史蒂文Stogsdill







在你获得传播学学士学位的时候, you’ll have many chances to gain real-world 经验 through work-study programs in our university marketing offices and in our video production truck at special events around campus. In addition, each 沟通 major completes an internship in their junior or senior year.



Our 沟通 majors often form lasting personal and professional relationships with each other and faculty members. You can meet and work with other 沟通 majors working for our online news publication, ”品牌,或我们的校友刊物, “骑士范围.”



感谢有吸引力的课程, you’ll get to work closely with faculty who promote student-centered learning environments. 你是否还在想,“有了传播学学位你能做什么??” Let our distinguished and highly accomplished faculty mentors show you firsthand what kinds of career opportunities await you after graduation.


中文博彩平台的传播学学位能做什么? 很简单:很多! The core skills you’ll master as you earn your bachelor’s degree in 沟通 apply to any industry where creativity, 沟通, 领导能力受到欢迎. 我们的传播学专业的学生继续从事广告和市场营销工作, 电影, 电视和广播, 社交媒体中文博彩平台, 社交媒体营销, 政治, 管理, 销售, 自行出版的博客, 教会媒体和其他事工, 教育, 城市的协调, 城市管理, 活动策划, 非营利组织, 还有更多.

随着理论和实践训练的平衡,我们的通信专业接受, they are sought after in prestigious graduate programs around the country for their expertise and 经验 working with professionals.


  • 公共关系专员
  • 社交媒体营销人员
  • 广告商
  • 数字媒体开发人员
  • 事件协调员
  • 记者
  • 导演
  • 电影编辑器
  • 体育营销人员
  • 生产商
  • 教会或事工媒体总监


媒体和传播工作的平均年薪为62美元,2021年5月340, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局. Employment for media and 沟通 specialists is predicted to grow 14 percent through 2030, 高于所有职业的平均水平.


我们对我们的沟通学位的可负担性和可及性感到非常自豪, and we strive to make sure that our students can earn their bachelor’s degree in 沟通 with as little financial burden as possible. 这就是为什么我们提供很多 奖学金及奖项 以帮助我们的通信学位专业支付他们的教育.

Emogene Emery言语交流奖学金
该奖学金由emgene Emery小姐于1970年设立, 1945年至1977年,系教员, 传媒系主任, 为了纪念埃默里小姐的父母. 该奖项通常颁发给寻求二级语言教师认证的学生. Continued academic achievement allows the recipient to retain the scholarship for more than one year.

赖特公共演讲奖是由赖特先生创立的. 和夫人. W.P. 赖特,老. 和奥. 和夫人. W.P. 小赖特. in 1980. This award is given to a 沟通 major that exhibits positive public speaking skills regularly, 无论是通过参与校园组织, 实习, 或者兼职工作.

The Naomi 金凯德中文博彩平台奖 was established in 1972 through a bequest under the will of the late 夫人. 李金凯. 该奖项以表彰牌匾和小额金钱礼物的形式颁发, given to the 沟通 major that has proven him/herself as an outstanding member of the department.

这项奖学金是为了纪念史密斯夫人而设立的. 米尔德里德·马克斯顿·穆迪的朋友. 夫人. Moody was the first editor of The Brand, graduated from HSU in 1916 and was a “First Lady” of Texas. The recipient has to be a 沟通 major with strengths in either written or oral 沟通, 有写作能力者优先.

最初的捐赠基金是在哈佛大学辩论队赢得大学辩论时创建的, 由辛克莱石油公司于1961年和1962年赞助, 在电视节目“年轻的美国说话”中播出.” The recipient shall be a 沟通 major exhibiting skills in public speaking and positive representation of the department.

Mr. 和夫人. 查尔斯·麦克卢尔设立了奖学金以纪念杰克·扎布卢希尔. 麦克卢尔的孪生兄弟. 夫人. 麦克卢尔1939年毕业于俄亥俄州立大学. 麦克卢尔1942年. The intent of the scholarship was to provide an opportunity for students to enjoy learning and to broaden and enrich their university 经验. The departmental recipient should demonstrate a desire to learn and must maintain a sound GPA.

这项奖学金是由南希·内尔·考克斯·沃尔特的孩子们为纪念她而设立的. 夫人. Walter was named “Most Outstanding Journalism Teacher in the United States” by Columbia University in New York City and was a teacher at Cooper High School in Abilene, 因此, the award goes to a 沟通 major with strong academic skills and excellent representation of the department.

Sue Savage Bradford originally established this scholarship in honor of her husband, Jack C. 布拉德福德,都是哈佛大学校友. 布拉德福德一家是甜水镇的居民, 经营着一家成功的保险公司和著名的赫里福德注册股票. 受奖人必须以《中文博彩平台》为教材,通常学习中文博彩平台学, 公共关系, 或者大众传媒. 每学年都会选出几名奖学金获得者.

The 科玛·贝丽尔·菲尔兹传播基金会 was established in March 2006 to benefit the Department of Communication at Hardin-Simmons University. The endowment is established in appreciation for the work of the department in the development of 沟通 materials produced by the department relative to the preservation of the historically significant 查尔斯晚安 在德克萨斯州狭长地带的家乡.

夫人. 科玛·贝丽尔·菲尔兹是中文博彩平台的忠实支持者. 夫人. Koma Beryl (Mahler) Fields is a 1940 alumna of the institution and currently serves on the HSU Board of Development. 此外,夫人. Fields has served a full nine-year term on the Hardin-Simmons University Board of Trustees.

如果你正在考虑从中文博彩平台获得传播学学位, 您可能也有兴趣了解这些类似的程序:



